What is the Consent Lab?

The Lab is a non-judgemental space to learn effective communication skills and practice in the moment with others. Our skilled facilitators guide you through a process of simple, practical exercises that shine a light on the nuances of everyday interactions.

When we intentionally take the time to examine the detail, we can see more clearly what works, what doesn’t and how we can begin new, constructive habits. Awareness, practice and repetition literally changes our neural pathways to embed new skills and communication habits.

Oftentimes, we need others to help us see our blind spots and time to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses. At the Consent Lab you will meet others who are keen to practice and facilitators who will hold space for you.

Firstly, we slow down and notice our sensations, feelings and thoughts. It’s a highly experiential and fun group learning process. Your learning can instantly be applied to your interactions with friends, partners, colleagues and families.

Whether it’s a conversation about sharing tasks at home, negotiating with a colleague, communicating a limit to a child or intimate relating with a partner, we’re confident you will notice change right away. The way we approach these conversations makes all the difference and the confidence we gain boosts self esteem and encourages us claim our agency.

What will I learn?

The Consent Lab offers space and time to experience learning moments such as:

  • noticing the contribution your skills already make to satisfying relating

  • discovering your personal road blocks to empowered consent

  • experiencing vulnerability as a strength

  • growing resilence and trust in your skills

  • stating your needs and desires more confidently

  • identifying your next steps towards empowered consent

Apply what you learn and relate with greater confidence and integrity, be a role model to others.

We invite you to bring your curiosity and thirst for learning to the Lab.

What does empowered choice actually mean?

This map illustrates the nuts and bolts of the communciation process and a foundation of empowered consent. We will explore this theory and practice in the Lab!